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We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.

      Peter Drucker

Why Us

We are used to the saying, "We don't give you fish, but we will teach you HOW to fish".

Have you ever asked yourself, is this enough?

How do you know... you are at a place that has fish? 

How about to have both? will have the system, skills, techniques and strategy to HAVE MORE Fish...In the long term, you are able to fish in different waters and all seasons, and constantly developing new techniques to increase our catch.

We believe in building this analogy further by providing self enrichment program and business enhancement program, to have everyone to achieve "excellence".

Our unique programs has been developed specially cater for everyone, for people who wants to live a better life than what they currently experienced. 


We aimed to assist you to gain Enlightenment, to be Empower and to Enhance quality of your life - shaping your life with a difference.

Testimonial, Business Entrepreneur, Selling strategy, skills, system, techniques
"I gained lots of knowledge from Clare's simple demonstration...communication is very important, how to effectively use body language to capture attention and acceptance of others..."


Steven Shiu 


Testimonial, Business Entrepreneur, Selling strategy, skills, system, techniques
" I was in a state of confusion, depressed as a photographer... worried, unmotivated and ultimately lost my passion. Clare has opened my mind, understand client needs and upsell myself is the key..."
Bertrand Lee

The Question Is Not

IF You Could Live the Life You Want…

But Whether YOU

Want To Live The Life You Want?


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